This a chair made by Megan Auman. Her designs are simplistic, modern and incorporates floral patterns, typically just the outlines of the floral design. She employs economy by keeping her design simple. By repeating the same floral pattern, that are symmetrical in size, throughout her piece her pieces are understatements rather than exaggeration. The understatement is reflected by her color choice.She keeps her colors to a minimum. Her pieces usually consist of stainless steel that is powder coated in a singular color such as black, white or read. In addition, her designs are static and lacks movement in comparison to the the Thistle chair.

The Thistle chair by Arthur Mackmurdo is the opposite of the first chair. The chair compose of intricate and elaborate details through out the chair's design. The cut-out on the backside of the chair are of representative of Thistle plants, consisting of several individual plants, with the flowers down to the leaves detailed in the design. The design is active with the plant movement exaggerated to represent real plant movement on a windy day. By using different materials such as wood for the legs,base and support for the metal backside, it creates a distinction from the ornate backing compared to the rest of the chair
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