The goal of this puzzle is to connect the five men, (A-E) to their designated house, creating five different routes that did not cross path. We were allowed to go horizontally, vertically but not diagonally. My husband, Brian, and I had different tactics but ended with similar results. My first attempt had me placing a straight line from man A to the house A. My strategy was to attack it without really thinking about it. I intuitively went with the man with the longest distance to his house. My first attempt apparently did not work. By going straight down the page, it created a road blocks for the other men. My second attempt was just as spontaneous as my first, only this time I tried to connect the man C with his house while working simultaneously with house A, trying not to cross path. It worked. After that I connected the D's together and everything fell into place. I had the men and house connected very quickly after that.
Brian's attempts were more planned out than mines. His first attempt was to connect man A with his house, also. He had the same logic that if he connected the man with the longest distance first then the others should be easy. It took him several tries before he was successful. Unlike me, his approach was to tackle each men one at a time. In the end we ended up completing each task in the same order with the exception that his was planned out and I went forward without considering a plan.

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